Thursday, November 20, 2014

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day, and Neither was Our Relationship.

     As a bridal consultant working at Celebrations Bridal and Fashion for the past year, of course marriage has been on my mind a lot. To this day the shop itself is one of the most beautiful retail shops I have visited. I loved it so much I stayed and they put me to work.

     My FiancĂ©, Nick, and I have been together for almost 6 years now, so when he popped the question of course the answer was yes. However, it took a lot building to get to this point. Our relationship is built with respect, maturity and the ability to grow with each other, no matter the circumstances. Here's how we did it.

     First, pick colleges that are thousands of miles away form each other. This pushes you to work on your communication skills. Compromise is also key here. A daily call may not be necessary, but at lease a few texts shared back and forth will suffice. Trust must be given, and never broken. When you live so far apart, trust is the mortar that holds the walls of Rome together. Confidence in yourself, one another, and in your relationship is a must. Without this, a relationship can crumble for no reason. Be sure to make time for at least one visit here and there. It gets really hard to not see them for more than three months at a time. Always tell your other half that you love them. Even if you're mad, or frustrated. It's better to let them know you still love them, rather than leaving them to wonder. Do this for about 3 and a half years. If you can survive this way for even 6 months, there's a good chance your relationship will survive.

     Second, realize that your significant other may have one more semester of school to finish, and you've already graduated. Also realize you don't think you can live apart from them for even a short 6 more months. Agree to move into a house with 4 boys and one bathroom. Pack all of your belongings into your small Jeep, and move to Bismark, ND in the dead of winter. Make a space for yourself, you're going to need it. Explain that you don't escape to your place to be anti social, you escape there to have a little bit of me time. Continue to communicate how you feel. Ask each other how your days were. When you have the time, do something fun. Go to a movie, visit the museum, or sit on the couch and read together. Get to know each other even better. Always say I love you before going to bed. Even if you're mad. Even if you're frustrated. It's better to let them know you still love them, rather than leaving them to wonder. If you survive this six months, your relationship will most likely survive the test of time too.

     Third, decided that Bismarck, ND is not the place for you, or you other half. Stuff both of your belongings, a cat, and yourselves into your small jeep and return to your hometown. Shop for apartments together. Find out what parts of town you really don't ever want to live in. Find a place all your own. Move all of your furniture and belongings in to your new place. Make it a part of who you are as a couple. Play board games, build puzzles, and cuddle on the couch while you binge watch a new series on Netflix. Don't forget to make time for friends too. Remember to check to see if the toilet seat is down at night to make sure you don't fall in. After the third time, talk to him about it. Don't let irritations fester. Talk about whats bothering you. Talk about whats going right in your life. Try to take equal responsibility for daily expenses. Try to take equal responsibility for making one another feel loved and appreciated. Grow together. Respect each other. Push each other to be better, and conduct yourself with maturity when its needed most. Always say I love you before going to bed. Even if you're mad. Even if you're frustrated. it's better to let them know you still love them, rather than leaving them to wonder.

     In all reality, you don't have to take such drastic measures to decide weather or not you're in the relationship you deserve. You just have to keep and eye out for a few key signs. Are you both able to trust each other? Are you a mature couple with confidence in one another as well as your relationship? Are you both able to compromise when it's needed? Is there a mutual respect for your better half and do they share that respect for you? Can you talk to each other about virtually anything?

     Like I said, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was my relationship with Nick. A lot of different elements went into the love we have today. Our ability to grow and adapt to each other is what makes it my honor to become a future Mrs. G.